Saturday 22 January 2011

Seven Things

Seven things is a lovely award given to bloggers by bloggers. The rules are to 1) Thank the blogger who gave it to you, 2) Share seven facts about yourself, and 3) Pass on to seven more bloggers.

Alana from XOXO AVS has given this award to all of her followers and I wish to do the same. So here are my seven things, post your own but make sure you let me know when you've done it so that I can have a read too!

1, I'm an Auntie, not once, not twice but eleven times over! And there is a twelfth due tomorrow! This is the result of having five brother's and sister's. I love being an Auntie but don't have any urge to have my own little babes at all. It's nice being able to do all the fun things and then hand them back to mum and dad!

2, I seem to have more coats than anything else. Over 30 of them in fact, at home they live in their own dedicated wardrobe, unfortunately I haven't been able to bring all of them to uni with me so for now lighter coats and jackets live up north and heavier coats and the one's that I just can't live without live with me in Southampton.

3, I am a HUGE Beatlemaniac. I could tell you every minute detail known about them together and separately and even have John Lennon bed covers! My favourite is George, the most beautiful man to walk the Earth.

4, I have three tattoo's. A dove on my right wrist, an Onochord (google it) on my left hip and this one, a Bob Dylan cameo on the lower left side of my back. Plans are in progress for a fourth but i'm keeping them under wraps until it's done, which I hope will be very soon.

5, I love to bake, here's a fire engine cake I made for my nephew's fourth birthday. I made a Tigger one for his first which was amazing but I don't have a digital version of that photograph. When I stay at my sister's i'll always bake with her little girl, we got through a hell of a lot of muffins when I stayed there this summer.

6, I don't drink alcohol, and haven't since I was 19 and i'm now 22. I've heard recently that there is now a new trend for not drinking alcohol and that alcohol free bars are popping up all over the shop. So if it's cool to be teetotal then maybe for the first time in my life i'm cool...

7, Practically every joint in my body that can crack, will and does, to the disgust of some of my friends and family but I can't help it, i've been doing it for as long as I can remember and it is actually part of a medical condition. My joints are hypermobile meaning that i'm very double jointed and one of the side effects is that my joints crack. Not just my knuckles and knees and feet but my neck and jaw too, it's not very nice but I literally can't stop it.

Ok so now you know a little bit more about me, it's your turn. Have fun!

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