Who would have thought aged four that eighteen years later i'd be yet again wearing jelly shoes?! I didn't actually like them the first time round, infinately jealous of my elder sisters high heeled pink sparkly pair while I still had flat sandles.
However, while happily perusing the Topshop website last week, something I do quite often when i'm feeling the pinch and it's not worth the pain of actually going into the shop only to cry "I wish I had money, I need it!!" at every beautiful item, I came across their lovely Harbour Gladiator Jellies, and knew I just had to have a pair! They come in black, silver, jade and tan.
Now i'll be honest, when I went into Topshop yesterday I was looking for a jade pair, which I thought were amazing when I first saw them. but as with smaller Topshop stores, they didn't have the full range in stock in the Middlesbrough store. My options were tan or black.
So I tried on a pair of the tan sandles, and fell immediately in love! And at only £12 (£10.80 with student discount) they were a steal!
I wore my beautiful new sandles today. I have a habit of having to wear something new immediately, even if I buy it for a special occasion I have to try it on numerous times before the event! So off I went into town, loving my new shoes but thinking in about ten minutes I am going to be crippled. Pleasingly though these were really comfortable and my feet weren't ripped to shreads as i'd antisipated. I have a feeling they are going to be my favourite shoes of the summer.
This is one blast from the past that i'm glad is back!
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